
Hunting Dixie


A journey without end.
A woman with no shame.
Down that road lies only pain.


Be careful what you wish for.

FOREVER haunted by the unresolved disappearance of his wife Sarah, PI Evan Buckley loses himself in other people’s troubles. But when Sarah’s scheming and treacherous friend Carly says she knows what happened to Sarah, he finds himself in a terrible predicament. Is she telling the truth? And, if so, what must he do for her first?

His troubled past and the murderous present collide violently when he goes head-to-head with cold-blooded killers hunting Carly’s friend, a rogue undercover cop called Dixie. In the midst of the mayhem and the killing, trying to keep ahead of the vicious gang with Old Testament ideas about betrayal and retribution, he’s got a nasty feeling Carly knows more than she’s saying.

Worse, the cop’s psychotic brother just got out of jail. With a festering grievance in his heart and a home-made garrotte in his hands, he’s got Evan fixed squarely in his sights as the case rapidly goes from frying pan to fire.

Has Evan finally found what he’s been looking for? Or should he walk away while he still can?

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More books in the Evan Buckley Thrillers series

START your next favorite series for free. Join my VIP readers’ group and I’ll send you copies of two exciting Evan Buckley murder mysteries – Fallen Angel and A Rock And A Hard Place. You can’t get them anywhere else – they’re exclusive to my readers’ group.

Neurotransmitters firing on all cylinders with this one! The best mis-adventure of Evan Buckley story yet!!! Once I started reading, I could not stop; made myself late for work. Brilliant work by a brilliant author. Strap in and hold on tight, this adventure will twist and turn and take you on a thrill ride you won’t soon forget.

Kelly A

Another excellent story in the Evan Buckley series written by a master wordsmith. Excellent plot with lots of twists and turns that surprised me with each page turn. 20 years of family strife and revenge make this an interesting read. Don’t miss it. This is the type of story that will probably in some ways haunt you forever. I know, it will me.


Lots of exciting scenarios, with several twists/turns & a great set of unique characters to keep track of. This could also make another great crime thriller movie, or better yet a mini TV series. A very easy rating of 5 stars.

Tony Parsons

Evan Buckley gets better with each book. As do the story lines. I’ve read these three in a row in only two days! Ready for the next one!


One of the best I’ve read in a while. Plenty to keep any reader totally engrossed. The twist at the end surprised the heck out of me.


Compelling. Fast-paced story that leaves unanswered questions. There is violence but no drag-you-down drama. Intriguing storyline with plenty of twists and gallows humor. Believable characters with distinct personalities. Realistic procedures, actions and reactions. Classic quote and entertaining dialogue.


Wow. I have just found a new author to love and follow. I love the honest grittiness of this new character, his flaws, his heart and his determination. James Harper seems to know the human condition very well and explores it in his writing. With gripping plots and a few helpers this books comes to a very satisfying ending. I recommend it. Soooo good.

Toots Sullivan

I loved this book and its protagonist, Evan Buckley. Every thing about this story is believable and the character development is true to life. Great story and dialogue. I’ll read everything this author turns out.


This book is outstanding and possibly one of the best mystery books I have read! Boy oh boy page turner all the way. I was nervous scared I mean I had all kinds of emotions going on there. I wanted it to end to relieve my stress but was disappointed when it did end. I wanted more!!!!!
